About Gallery de sol

Gallery de sol is proud to present fine international and Taiwanese art. We conduct and organize 4-6 exhibitions annually. Gallery de sol aims to be a place of experience and inspiration, through our exquisite collections and exhibitions.

Gallery de sol also provides comprehensive art consulting services to private and corporate collectors. The services are tailored to meet your specific needs and aesthetic interests.​

曜畫廊 Gallery de sol 座落於頂級經典的文華東方酒店內,定位在強調藝術史研究的學術性藝廊。畫廊經營走向以介紹多樣化的國際藝術作品為主,並致力於國際大師版創藝術的推廣。另一方面,將台灣優秀藝術家帶向國際舞台、為每檔展覽安排相關學術性講座亦為畫廊重要方針。
